How to create a standing order

Receive each new issue without the fuss and bother of having to write to us each time. Establish a Standing Order Deposit Account. As each new item is issued, it will be forwarded to you automatically. You need never miss out an issue again.
Standing Order Deposit Account (SODA) operates in conjunction with an established credit account. You advise us what types of items you wish to purchase. Then, each month one of your predetermined items is issued, it is sent to you automatically, provided there are sufficient funds in your account. You are advised of your credit balance with each mailing.
A standing order is the fastest, easiest way to purchase new Sri Lankan issues by mail. Stamp Bulletins will also be sent to you complementarily with each new issue.
Should you wish to purchase an item that is not on your regular order, you may still send in a casual order and charge it against your standing order account. Simply quote the standing order account number in the space provided on the order form. For further detail contact Philatelic Bureau, Sri Lanka via;

You must login to your account. ( if you are not registered yet you must sign up. )
In your profile, Its have tab standing order. and click "add standing order" button.
In standing order page fill the form and register as subscribe.
Fill your order form and order your items.